Learn Today for
a Better Tomorrow

Companies that trust us:

Training as it should be

Our industry-recognized elite solution experts bring their active, real-world experience directly to you. At Solliance our motto is, “Don’t be a know it all, be a learn it all”. Let’s work together to get you and your enterprise to the next level.

Discover Our Courses

Lino Tadros
Lino Tadros Duration: 7 h 0 min 1 Lessons

Azure Terraform in Depth

Join us on a journey through the architecture overview of a declarative approach to IaC vs imperative, with a focus o…



Technology leaders and experts worldwide

Top industry experts across many disciplines – our Partner Network spans the globe to bring custom end to end solutions to our clients and customers.


Average years of experience of a Solliance Partner

Our technical expertise is comprised of many years across many different experiences – our Partners strike a balance of being well seasoned and ever expanding.


Microsoft MVPs

Working with exciting innovative technologies and sharing knowledge – it is this spirit of generosity along with our unparalleled level of expertise that makes Solliance Partners stand out within the MVP community.


AWS Hero

We are proud to be recognized alongside a group of fellow worldwide AWS experts. Our Partners, like the AWS Heroes community, go beyond every day to share knowledge with the community, and create expert solutions built for the future.


Microsoft Regional Directors

In a field of less than 200 globally, our Solliance Partners hold 8 seats as Regional Directors. We continue to be recognized both in the Microsoft community and the developer and IT community at large as global industry leaders.


Learners engaged in our bespoke, Instructor-Led Trainings

Our experts actively work as top-level practitioners to bring practical experience to those looking to grow their skill and understanding. We’ve reached over 3,500 learners across more than 40 countries in the last year alone.

LEARN today for
a better tomorrow

Whether you require training for your organization, learning content creation, or live events, let our experts and our experience be your guide to success.